Heir representation attorney Los Angeles – Executor Compliance

As beneficiaries and heirs face problems with executor compliance, a Los Angeles attorney with heir representation experience is mandatory to hold the executor accountable.  We help each heir in reviewing inventories, and accounting papers and guide the beneficiary in collection of information which answers questions about the conduct of the executor.

Executor compliance begins here:

1. Bond placement and sufficiency reviews;

2. Inventory filings and accuracy reviews;

3.  Review of other actions by the executor, such as rent collection and sales compliance.  Family Trust Estate cases require special attention.  We can help.

4.  Accounting audits in trust and estates, and advice to heirs regarding the accounting.

5.  Heir representation regarding estates and trusts handled by and attorney or his/her client.

6.  Evaluation of estate and trust malpractice by executors and trustees.

7.  Evaluation of trust and estate malpractice cases.

Call for appointment with expert heir representation attorney, Mina Sirkin at 818.340.4479. Email: info@sirkinlaw.com.