Is Your Trustee Disloyal?

A California trustee may not be disloyal to the beneficiaries of the trust which he/she manages.   California law has a long-standing history of protecting beneficiaries from disloyalties by trustees.

If you suspect that a trustee has done any of the following, please call us to discuss your rights:

  1.  Trustee is attempting to sell the trust property to himself.
  2.  Trustee has sold the property to himself at less than fair market value.
  3.  Trustee has treated a beneficiary unfairly.
  4. Trustee has stolen the trust assets.

We protect rights of beneficiaries from disloyalties by trustees in California.  Our attorneys have over 24 years of experience getting surcharge judgments against trustees who fail in their duties.

Call Mina Sirkin, Trust Attorney Los Angeles to discuss your rights as a beneficiary. Tel.: 818.340.4479 or Email: for an appointment.